Monday, December 16, 2013

Social Bookmarking Questions

  1. Another way we can organize our computers is making a sheet that logs who goes on the computer and at what time. 
  2. Another way that we can organize emails is by putting them into your gmail and saving them there. 
  3. One way that we can organize our favorite websites is by putting them into digg reader for easy access. 
  4. We can organize our blog postings is that we can save them on our blogger.
  5. We can save RSS feeds by inserting them into wikispaces so they can be found easily. 

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

China's Chang'e-3 lunar probe has entered orbit

Chang'e-3 lunar probe

China's Space Station has announced that the new Chinese space probe the Chang'e-3 has just entered orbit. The probe's variable thrust engine, which can supply from 1,500 to 7,500 newtons of thrust, fired for a total of 361 seconds to complete the lunar insertion maneuver. Over the next week the probe will stay in orbit to prepare systems for the landing in Sinus, Iridum on the 14th of December. This is very important for China because this is the nations first experience with a spacecraft in orbit. This will be just the start of China's exploration in space.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Tech Article 12/6/2013

Flying Robots For Christmas

Just before Christmas a new flying toy is coming to stores. Any size robots from little bots to full scale planes will be under the Christmas tree this year. These flying toys are coming to Toy's R US and Uk's Toy Retailers Association. They have light and cheap motors which allows for faster flying and longer lasting flying as well. I personally do not want these things to go to stores because they can be very dangerous for younger kids to handle. For more information click here.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Do Now 12/3

Twitter can be used education wise because if students in the class set up one hashtag everyone could post to it and provide information that could help other people. Also if classmates are doing a group project they can go and provide information for eachother there instaed of using google docs pr microsoft office. I personaly like the idea of using social media sites for education and I think that there will be more sites like Twitter that can do this. Twitter is the first step of revolutionary education.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Discussion Qustions

  1. I selected the sites that I have subscribed to because they are the easiest to subscribe to and in my opinion the best sites for the topics. 
  2. It was not easy to find feed and subscribe to them because they really hide them in places we do not look very much.
  3. My favorite sites were of course my personal sites as in ESPN or the Knicks news websites.
  4. You can use RSS feeds for connecting to peoples opinions and expanding it to more and more people.
  5. I am not very likely to use RSS feeds in the future unless I am in this class another year in high school. 

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Tech Article 11-22-2013

Manta Resort Sleep Beneath The Waves

The tropical Pemba Island in Zanzibar. They have just unveiled their underwater room. It is a bedroom where you can sleep below the waves of the beautiful water. This is a three floor suite that floats beside a coral reef. The underwater bedroom has windows for walls so visitors can see the ocean for there own bedroom. The top two floors are made of hardwood. The sea level floor has a lounging area, a dining room, and a bathroom. If I ever got the chance to go here I would. 

Monday, November 18, 2013


                    The thing that ignites my desire to help this world a better place is when I see or hear about another person doing good for their community or the world. That is what drives me to help when one person or a group of people do something good because then I feel that I can do something similar to that. My life goals could be about helping the community as in for example the community service for my school. It is not a life goal but it is definitely something that is good to help other people. It can be from shoveling an elderly persons driveway to running  food drive for the homeless.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Will Google Docs finish off Microsoft Office

                 Micosoftt has madeit easier to access the Office through the cloud and online downloads. It also has contributed real time where users can collaborate with eachother to make documents. They have done all of this because Google Docs is changing so fast and Microsoft needed to keep up or they would be out of business. Since 2006 Google Docs has improved so much and I believe that the creativity of Google developers has just started.

Monday, November 11, 2013

The Philippines

The devastation in the Philippines is terrible for those defenseless people. Whenever you find out when it is coming it would be too late to stop it. Typhoons are not uncommon in this area, actually they are very common in this area. I would help them by gong into food drives or other things like that.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Barnes and Noble's New ultra-light nook GlowLight e-reader

• This is a completely redesigned Nook GlowLight e-reader.
• This product was announced just weeks after the Kindle Paperwhite e-reader.
• It features an updated 6 inch display with 62% more pixels than it's previous model.
• Barnes and Noble also increased the LED light source just below the bottom edge of the screen. 
• The only thing similar the GlowLight has to the Paperwhite is that the shape is basically the same. 
• The color is a basic white with a curved power/sleep button on the back. 
• The GlowLight weighs only 6.2 ounces which is amazing because of it's capability.
• A 4GB model is only $119. The 4GB model is all they have announced so far. Also it comes out on Wednesday. 


Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Wiki Research

  1. A wiki can be used in my current class like World History. For example if we learn about George Washington I can use his wiki to learn more about his life and people in his life, Or in Biology we can learn more about Issac Newton. 
  2. The benefits of using a wiki could be to learn about the people and places that these people have met and seen.
  3. We can create a wiki on whatever we enjoy and can utilize it on the class and get a god output from our peers. 
  4. I have experience creating my own wiki's because I have done it for two years now. 

Monday, October 28, 2013


     If I was invisible for one day I would help a lot of people cross the crowded streets of NYC. More and more people build up at the street corners and wait to be crossed but never do. I will run the street lights so the cars and the people can have an equal amount of time to cross the street. Many jobs will be saved since most people are running late or going out for coffee runs. This would be a very good deed for many people.

I would do this by getting inside the police station. Going to the monitor room, and pressing the buttons to cause the lights to go on and off. If a police officer comes into the room I would let go of the buttons so he would not notice me in there. This would help a lot of people get where they are going. This is a good dedd that  would never get noticed for.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

tech article 10/25/2013

The New iPad Air

The new iPad is now so much thinner and lighter and seemingly faster like all of the other devices that they have tweaked. There was no fingerprint scanner or a new camera upgrade that came with the new 5S. The new $499 dollar iPad is now named the iPad air which comes after the iPad mini. When apple presented the iPad it could hide behind a no. 2 pencil. It has a 64-bit A7 processor which is the same chip as the 5S. This is a nice table but it is unusual to not have the fingerprint scanner. To see the full article click here.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Tech article 10/4/13


       Google has now advanced their technology to support the surfers very complex questions. This update was called the hummingbird because it was very quiet and it happened at a very fast time. According to Amit Singhal this redesign will affect the analysis of about 90% of the searches Google gets. Every two out of three questions that are asked on the internet in the USA are asked on Google. But Google gets even more in Europe. Google's revenue is expected to reach 60 billion dollars this year. Humming bird is primarily aimed at giving Google's search engine a better grasp at understanding concepts instead of mere words, Singhal said. For more information from the real article click here.

Friday, September 27, 2013

How Good Is The IPhone 5S Camera?

They have added slow motion into the mix now and it is going viral. You can make funny videos of your pets or of things falling down onto the floor. But the overall quality of the camera just somehow keeps getting better with each new IPhone. If you use the new burst mode you can hold the button down and it will take a total of 999 camera shots. This is really good if you want duplicates or to save backups but I do not think that you will need this many. To see the full article click here.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Tech Article 9-20-13

A Space Cargo Ship Takes Flight

Orbital Sciences Corp. sent up their first unmanned cargo spacecraft into space on Wednesday off the coast of Virginia. This was a successful takeoff and it is now up in space. It carried about 1,500 pounds of cargo into orbit but is able to take up to 4,400 pounds of it. The use of sending this rocket was so that the space station could get cargo that they were in need of. This was the second of twelve scheduled flights under a $1.6 billion dollar contract. If you want to see the full article click here.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Multimedia Post

Queen Elizabeth
 I have Mrs. Forsythe is my teacher for World History. She is so far very fun and energetic but who knows how long that will last. I expect to learn about a lot more history from Europe when Queen Elizabeth ruled. Also I would like to learn Africa's history and which country ruled and when they did. Her grading policy is as follows 40% for Tests and Quizzes, 40% for Projects, 10% for Homework, and 10% for Do Now's. A specific aspect of the class that I like is that we can learn about every aspect of these rulers lives. I will use technology in the class when we would us the cow. I hope I learn a lot of new things and not facts I already know. If you want to learn more about my teacher click here.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Tech Article 9/13/13

New I phone

The size of the 5s is the same as the 5 but if you get the very classy color which is the shiny gold shade. The 5c is the same size but it is made of plastic and can come in a lot more colors than just black gold or white. I prefer the glass I phone better than the plastic because I like the feel of the glass one more. The price is much different between the5c and the 5s.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

September 11

What September 11 means to me is to respect and remember the lives that were lost on that day. I was only 3 years old but I can remember seeing it on tv but I had no idea what it really was. I hope another one of these never happens again.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Welcome Back

Welcome back to my third year in Web 2.0! Right now I am playing soccer for the high school JV team. My teacher is Mr. Porfido and has been for all three years. What I do in my free time is to play sports with friends.